April 12, 2007

One, Two... Three!!

I haven't mentioned it here before (at least not in a explicit way (hey, I didn't say for what I was proposing it, but with some imagination...)), but I presented 1 application for this year's Google Summer of Code and it has been accepted!! (say hurray!).

This is my third year involved on GSoC and, as the menu for this summer includes a lot of C++, it is the first in wich i'll be doing something that won't include (by far) any Java code.

Expect much more KDE related stuff in the next months, and hopefully a fresh and new-to-open KDEBluetooth and Bluetooth Presence Manager for your KDE 4 pleasure by the end of summer.

Now, some words from our beloved sponsor

Dear Applicant,

Congratulations! This email is being sent to inform you that your
application was accepted to take part in the Summer of Code. Please...


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